Author Archives: Lisa

Virtual CFO: Your Cue To Savvy Business Management

Virtual CFO

Running a business can be equal parts challenging and amusing. It is important for every business owner to ensure his or her company runs efficiently and effectively. And in order to do so, financial intelligence is significant. Through research, it has been proved that most small scaled businesses have failed due to financial incompetence. Running […]

Premium Consultant Accounting Services In Auckland

Folder stack

Businesses once set up will not remain stagnant throughout. The goal of every business is to elevate towards greater heights, get more successful and hold a profitable financial record. Thus, businesses require efficient chartered accountants to ease out their financial management. A businessman won’t be as aware of the various underlying factors that impact the […]

4 Rules when using a heat pump (you could save $1000s…)

Heat pumps are an absolute godsend as they serve as an extremely cost-efficient solution for your heating needs. Some of the advantages include an environmentally friendly unit, convenience, and are also accommodating to people who suffer from asthma or allergies. This is because the circulation of the heat pump is such that it provides clean […]