A useful list of common SEO terms

Title Tag

As the name denotes, the title tag is tag by which a webpage is known to the search engine. It is imperative to abide by the number of word count set for the title tag by search engines. These tags have a big influence on search rankings.

Meta Description Attribute

In simpler words, everything about the page is explained to the search engine and the users by this tag. This tag also has a word count limit and it is best to add as many keywords as possible in the description tag.

Meta Robots Attribute

Just like a robot follows a set of instructions, this tag basically tells the search engines about the tasks that they must perform with the weblinks and indexes. For example, it tells the search engines to show the pages in the search results.

Online Forms

An SEO page form is summary of all the tasks carried out while implementing the SEO campaign. The report consists of all link structures, headlines, URLs and sub campaigns that work together for the search results to rank higher.

Code Block

It is a tool developed by the search engines and aids in editing the codes on pages or documents. It can be applied to downloadable content as well.

Non-Text Content

Sometimes, the contents on a webpage will not have any text to denote the uniqueness of the content. Such media is called non-text content. Keyword based names can be given to make the content rich. Referencing and placing relevant names are also helpful for the same.

Indexable Content

For the best results, contents should be in HTML text format. Such content is known as indexable content. Indexable content is more relevant to search engines and helps in better ranking of the results. Editing indexes on contents is best done using MozBar and Google’s cache.

Incongruous Location Targeting

It is a type of error that should be eliminated. An example of the same would be targeting content in Chinese, whereas most of traffic to your website is coming from India.

Mixed Contextual Signals

This is another type of error on webpages where the title is completely different to the content of that website. This could cause a problem in crawling the webpage. An example of the same would be, the title of the page says Ice-cream but the contents within the page are about travelling to different countries.


Backlinks are hyperlinks that direct links from a webpage back to the main webpage. Backlinks have a major effect on search rankings and popularity of webpages.

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO uses the different strategies and techniques that consist of human nature than compared to the basic search engines that follow their own rules and policies. A website that focuses on relevancy and ranking in the long run is an example of White Hat SEO Melbourne.

Black Hat SEO

This is more of an aggressive approach for ad ranks. This technique focuses on search engines and not the users for better results and they usually do not meet the criteria set by the search engines. Black Hat SEO results will only show up until Search engines find out the truth behind them, whereas White Hat SEO will be up there for a longer time.


This post is guest written by Imre Vallyon